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End of the day

End of the day options are available in this section.

Confirmation query before performing the end-of-day

This option activates a confirmation query before the daily closing.
This is to prevent the daily closing being carried out by an unintentional call.

Message after the end of the day

This option enables an additional message after the end of day, which gives the user feedback that the process has ended.

Daily closing without carrier selection

This option controls the selection of carriers at the end of day. If the option is not active, the daily closing is carried out for all carriers.

Online-Tracking General

With this option you can set that the standard Internet browser is used by the operating system for the Online-Tracking.

Exit scanning

The settings for the Ausgang-Scannung are available in this section. The Outbound Scanning option enables the use of configuration of the expansion module.

Scan term

Select the scan term to identify the shipping unit when it is released.
  • None
A placeholder that prevents shipping units from being released with the outbound scanning mask.
If this option is selected, when you open the outbound scanning, you will receive the error message that the scan term has not yet been configured.

  • Delivery note number
The release takes place using the Delivery note number as identification.
Please note that all packages with the same delivery note number are released at once.
  • Tracking number
The release takes place with the help of the Trackin number as identification.
Note that a tracking number does not always have to be unique, there may be overlaps with certain carriers.
  • VeReferenzNr
The release takes place using the VeReferenzNr as identification.
The value of this field is not generated by HVS32 and must be transmitted to the shipping system during processing.
  • PackstueckID
The release takes place using the PackstueckID  as indentification.
The value of this field is not generated by HVS32 and must be transmitted to the shipping system during processing.

With bridge assignment

This option enables the swap body to be assigned when the shipping units are released.
With the help of the swap body e.g. the daily closing of a freight forwarder can be separated.

Ausgangscannung für Frachtführer

In diesem Abschnitt können Sie wählen, für welche Frachtführer die Ausgang-Scannung aktiviert werden soll.
Achten Sie bei der Auswahl, dass es einen Unterschied zwischen Weltweitenversand (Endung WW) und den Versand im Inland bzw. innerhalb Europa (Endung DOM/EU) gibt.
Wenn Sie mehrere Frachtführer vom Typ NeutralSpedition im Einsatz haben und getrennt entscheiden möchten, bei welchen dieser Speditionen die Freigabe aktiviert werden soll,
wird eine Zusatzeinstellung benötigt, die von unsem Support Team bei Ihnen durchführt werden muss.