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With the option "repeat list print" you can print again or preview shipping lists that were already generated. All lists are listed here that were generated/printed via the menu daily closing or print shipping lists.


Output list print


With the button "F" you have the option to filter by client and type of carrier.


The date of creation is generated during the creation of the shipping list.


The date of printing is set after a successful print.


Name of the list.

Type of carrier

The type of carrier shows the carrier module the shipping list was printed/created for.


Shows the dispatch type ID the shipping list was printed/created for.


Shows the HVS32 client the list was printed/created for.

Swap body

Here you can see the swap body for this data set (optional).

Output list no

With this number you can assign individual shipments to the corresponding shipping list. To find out which list contains a specific shipment, you can go to info/administration to the button "all details" and search for the content of the field "AusgangsListeNr" of the shipment.


With this you can reprint the chosen list on the assigned list printer


Mit dem Button "Vorschau" können Sie die markierte Liste in einer Vorschau-Anzeige öffnen ohne diese auszudrucken.

Gefahrgutliste drucken

Hier wird für die markierte Liste, die dazugehörige Gefahrgutliste gedruckt.


Über Zusatzliste können Sie die Maske für den Zusatzlisten-Druck wiederholen aufrufen.