Carrier API error codes

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Error codes in the Carrier API appear in the following form AAA-SSS-GG-L[Code], where

  • AAA = Application, in this case only CAP for CarrierAPI
  • SSS = Sub group, in this case the plugin. A list of plugins can be found further down.
  • GG = Error group, this divides the errors in categories, where the cause normally originates from
  • L = Error-level, the severeness of the error: W = Warning, E = Error, C = Critical, F = Fatal
  • [Code] = A numerical Code that clearly assigns the error in this group.

Example: CAP-HEH-02-E00005

Means there is an error in the Hermes HSI module in group 02 (content-related error) with code 5 (authentification failed).

To search for an error, search on this site (Strg+F) with the acutal code.

If you can not find the code directly, replace the sub group, e.g. "HEH" with XXX. From the top example: CAP-XXX-02-E00005. This code is available in group 02.

Group 00 - Fundamental errors

These errors appear if the error cause is unknown (e.g. 00000 - undefined error) or when a fundamental problem lies within the functionalities of the Carrier API.

Code Text Description
CAP-XXX-00-E00000 Error in webservice request: [Error message] Error cause unknown. Examine exact error message, if necessary check logs.
CAP-XXX-00-E00001 Unable to create plugin Problem when calling the webservice plugin. Please contact support
CAP-XXX-00-E00002 The selected Carrier API plugin has been deprecated. Please contact Heidler Support The selected Carrier API plugin is deprecated and the webservice is discontinued by the carrier. Please contact support

Group 01 - Technical errors in the request

These errors appear if the request was not successful due to a technical error. They can be temporary problems, e.g. the server is not accessible (00001 - connection error) or overloaded (00002 - Read timeout). Or fundamental problems which require interference (00004 - certificate error).

Code Text Description
CAP-XXX-01-C00001 [Connection error / Connection timeout] Unable to connect to webservice. Please check your internet connection, url, firewall, or proxy settings. Connection error: No connection possible. Maybe the request was blocked.

Connect timeout: The Carrier API could not determine that the connection was blocked. Maybe the connection quality is insufficient.

CAP-XXX-01-E00002 Read timeout: The webservice did not respond in a timely manner. Normally, the server of the carrier is overloaded. You can try to increase the Read timeout in the general settings or for this specific endpoint.
CAP-XXX-01-C00003 DNS error: The url [URL] is unknown Your DNS-Server blocks the request of the Carrier API or the URL set is not correct.
CAP-XXX-01-C00004 Unable to verify webservice certificate. Please check your firewall or url. If your firewall contains a deep packet inspection, it provides a certificate in between, which is unknown to the Carrier API. The Carrier API interprets it as a Man-in-the-Middle-Angriff.

If you trust the certificate, you can save it X.509 coded under [CarrierAPI]\config\certs.

CAP-XXX-01-F00005 Deserialization error: The webservice returned an invalid document Please contact support.
CAP-XXX-01-E00006 Label conversion error Please contact support.

Group 02 - Content-related errors in the request

The communication with the webservice was successful, but the response does not math the expectation. Normally, the webservice has found an error in the request (shipment data set) and returns it.

Code Text Description
CAP-XXX-02-E00001 General response error The Carrier API can not assign the error. Please check the exact error message to this error code.
CAP-XXX-02-E00002 Webservice returned error: [Error message] The webservice has responded with an exact error code and/or error message. Please check it and correct the data set if necessary.
CAP-XXX-02-E00003 Webservice returned an invalid response: [Error detail] The response from the webservice does not match the conventions known by the Carrier API. Possibly some mandatory fields are missing in the response (e.g. tracking number or label data). Please check the eroor details and contact the support if necessary.
CAP-XXX-02-E00004 Webservice returned HTTP [HTTP-Code] No detailed error details are known except for the webservice respoding with a "not OK".

In the logs of the Carrier API you can normally findthe whole response from the webservice wich may contain more details.

CAP-XXX-02-E00005 Authentication with the webservice failed. Please check your login details. Normally the access data set in the Carrier API is wrong or the carrier has not unlocked your account yet.
CAP-XXX-02-E00006 The webservice did not change the shipment status within a reasonable amount of time (asynchronous webservice operation). With asynchronous webservices (e.g. Inpost24 or FedEx Stratus), the Carrier API waits until the webservice responds with a Completed or Error status. If this does not occur in time, the Carrier API throws this error.

Group 03 - Validation error

For some carriers, the Carrier API executes a limited validation and returns an error even before the request to the webservice, when it is predictable that the request is not accepted by the carrier.

Code Text Description
CAP-XXX-03-E00001 Validation error: [Error details] Validation error which does not fit the following categories. Please check the error details.
CAP-XXX-03-E00002 Invalid reference number The webservice needs a clear reference number (e.g. delivery note number)
CAP-XXX-03-E00003 Receiver address is invalid e.g. missing PLZ, street, house no. etc.
CAP-XXX-03-E00004 Street and house number needs to be separated Street and house no. need to be separated in the shipment. The separation was not configured in the HVS32 (contact support) or the separation was not successful (check data set: house no. at the end or start of the street?)
CAP-XXX-03-E00005 Unable to separate first and last name for: [Name] For the separation of first and last name, you need two words.
CAP-XXX-03-E00006 Invalid incoterm id A completely missing incoterm or the carrier ony accepts specific incoterms.
CAP-XXX-03-E00007 Target date is invalid A service was selected that expects a target date. It is not filled or is in the past.
CAP-XXX-03-E00008 Customer / account number is invalid The customer number in the HVS32 configurator or the user in the Carrier API configurator does not match the conditions of the carrier (e.g. numerical).
CAP-XXX-03-E00009 Shipment number is invalid The HVS32 should create a shipment number (contact support) or expects it from the host system (check data set).
CAP-XXX-03-E00010 Tracking number is invalid The HVS32 should create a tracking number (contact support) or expects it from the host system (check data set).
CAP-XXX-03-E00011 Service type id is invalid The configured service is invalid for this carrier.
CAP-XXX-03-E00012 Invalid e-mail address This shipment needs an email address with the selected service. It has not been delivered. Please check the data set.
CAP-XXX-03-E00013 Invalid phone number This shipment needs a phone number with the selected service. It has not been delivered. Please check the data set.
CAP-XXX-03-E00014 Invalid value of goods This shipment needs the value of goods with the selected service. It has not been delivered or it s an invalid number. Please check the data set.
CAP-XXX-03-E00015 Invalid insurance value This shipment needs an insurance value with the selected service. It has not been delivered or it s an invalid number. Please check the data set.
CAP-XXX-03-E00016 Invalid id for parcel shop A parcel shop shipment has been selected for this shiment. But the corresponding parcel shop id is missing or invalid (e.g. numerical).
CAP-XXX-03-E00017 The requested service requires additional data. A specific service has been selected for this shipment. But additional information for this service is missing that is necessary.
CAP-XXX-03-E00030 Weight is invalid The chosen package weight does not match the conditions of the carrier (e.g. 0kg or more than the carrier accepts). Please check the data set.
CAP-XXX-03-E00031 Package dimensions are invalid. The carrier expects package dimensions that are missing in the data set. Please check the data set.
CAP-XXX-03-E00032 Package type id is invalid The package type is completely missing or the carrier only accepts specifc package types.
CAP-XXX-03-E00033 Package contents are invalid This shipment needs the package content with the selected service. It has not been delivered. Please check the data set.
CAP-XXX-03-E00038 No article data available in package Shipments outside of the EU normally require additional article data to correctly transfer the customs information.
CAP-XXX-03-E00039 No hazardous goods data available in package The selceted service is a dangerous goods service. But the dangerous goods data is missing in the data set.

Group 04 - Configuration error

Errors in group 04 mostly have their cause due to a not fully configurated module in the HVS32 or in the Carrier API. It is also possible that the data set is incorrect and refers to a false configuration (e.g. when an invalid dispatch type ID is sent).

Code Text Description
CAP-000-04-C00001 No dispatch type found for id: [Dispatch type ID] The Carrier API can not find a configuration entry with the chosen dispatch type ID.The configuration is incomplete or the transferred dispatch type ID is wrong.
CAP-000-04-C00002 No client found for id: [Client ID] The Carrier API can not find a configuration entry with the chosen client ID.The configuration is incomplete or the transferred client ID is wrong.
CAP-000-04-C00003 Plugin [Plugin] is not licensed The dispatch type or rather the endpoint refers to a carrier plugin has not been licensed yet or is not anymore. Please contact the support.
CAP-XXX-04-C00004 No endpoint defined for dispatch type: [Dispatch type ID] The selected dispatch type has been found in the Carrier API but not the endpoint, which the dispatch type refers to. Please contact the support.
CAP-XXX-04-C00005 Endpoint url is invalid: [URL] The configured URL in the endpoint is invalid. Please contact the support.
CAP-XXX-04-C00006 Invalid configuration for: [Configuration details] A carrier specific configuration is incomplete. Please check the detailed error message for more details.

Carrier-specific errors

Some carriers have special error codes that can not be be generally assigned. In most cases, it is an extended validation error from group 03.


Code Text Description
CAP-GLS-03-E00050 Invalid GLS contact id Die im HVS32 konfigurierte Contact ID fehlt oder ist ungültig

Hermes Shipping Interface (HSI)

Code Text Description
CAP-HEH-03-E00050 Invalid package type and dimensions. At least one is required. Hermes hat Verpackungen im Format XS, S, M, L, XL
CAP-HEH-03-E00051 Invalid birthday for ident service Für diese Sendung wurde ein Ident-Service gewählt. Das Geburtsdatum fehlt allerdings oder handelt sich nicht um ein gültiges Datum.

Schenker AT

Code Text Description
CAP-SHA-03-E00050 Error in hazardous goods dataset. Invalid UN number. Der Gefahrgutsatz ist unvollständig. Bitte prüfen Sie die UN-Nummer
CAP-SHA-03-E00051 Error in hazardous goods dataset. Invalid DG class. Der Gefahrgutsatz ist unvollständig. Bitte prüfen Sie die GG-Klasse.
CAP-SHA-03-E00052 Error in hazardous goods dataset. Invalid dg weight. Der Gefahrgutsatz ist unvollständig. Bitte prüfen Sie das GG-Gewicht.
CAP-SHA-03-E00053 Error in hazardous goods dataset. Invalid package type. Der Gefahrgutsatz ist unvollständig. Bitte prüfen Sie die GG-Verpackungsart.
CAP-SHA-03-E00054 Error in hazardous goods dataset. Invalid dg package group. Der Gefahrgutsatz ist unvollständig. Bitte prüfen Sie die GG-Verpackungsgruppe.
CAP-SHA-03-E00055 Error in hazardous goods dataset. Invalid shipping name. Der Gefahrgutsatz ist unvollständig. Bitte prüfen Sie die GG-Bezeichnung
CAP-SHA-03-E00056 Error in hazardous goods dataset. No net explosive mass defined for dg class 1. Der Gefahrgutsatz ist unvollständig. Bitte prüfen Sie die Netto-Explosivmasse. Außerdem: Wurde mit Schenker AT abgesprochen, dass Sie Torpedos verschicken?
CAP-SHA-03-E00057 Error in hazardous goods dataset. Invalid unit of measurement. Der Gefahrgutsatz ist unvollständig. Bitte prüfen Sie den Mengen-Typ (kg oder l)

Plugin codes

Each plugin has its own sub-group for an error code. All plugins are listed in the following.

Code Plugin
000 Unbekannt - Plugin konnte noch nicht ermittelt werden
ACO Arco
AMZ Amazon Merchant Fulfillment
ASE Asendia
ASM Amazon Selling Partner API - Merchant Fulfillment
ASV Amazon Selling Partner API - Vendor Direct
ATL Atlas
CAL Canis Lupus
CEN Centiro
CHR Chronopost
CIP Citipost
COU Coureon
DEC DHL eConnect
DEL DHL Express Routing Live
DET DHL Express Routing Test
DFR DPD FR (Frankreich)
DHA DHL ELP (Abholung)
DHH DHL Global Web Service (Ungarn)
DHS DHL SK (Slowakei)
DIM Internetmarke (Deutsche Post)
DPA DPD AT (Österreich)
DPL DPD PL (Polen)
DPC DPD HR (Kroatien)
DPH DPD HU (Ungarn)
DPP DPD DE Parcelshop Suche
DPR DPD RO (Rumänien)
DRI DHL Retoure International
DRL DHL Retoure International (Legacy - veraltet)
DSK Danske
DVF AM.Exchange (DV-Freimachung)
EPK Europaket
FED Fedex
FAC Fiege Amazon Carma
FTD Fedex Trade Documents
FXA Fedex (Abholung)
FXP Fedex PL (Polen)
FXS Fedex Stratus REST API
GEO Geodis
GLD GLS DK (Dänemark)
GLE GLS ES (Spanien)
GLF GLS FR (Frankreich)
GLH GLS HU (Ungarn)
GLI GLS IT (Italien)
GLK GLS SK (Slowakei)
GLL GLS CZ (Tschechien)
GLN GLS NL (Niederlande)
GLO Glovo
GLP GLS PL (Polen)
GLS GLS DE / Ship IT (Deutschland)
GPP General Purpose (konfigurierbar), auch G00 - G99
GPS GLS Parcel Shop (GLS DE Parcelshop Suche)
GSA GLS AT / Ship IT (Österreich)
GSF GLS FR / Ship IT (Frankreich)
GTT GLS DE Track & Trace
HBG Hermes Border Guru
HEH Hermes Shipping Interface (HSI)
HES Hermes Einrichtungs Service (HES)
HRB Hornbach
HMP Hellmann PL (Polen)
INP Inpost24
IZP Infens Zustellprofi
KOV Kommt Overnight
KUR Der Kurier
LFG Liefergrün
LGX Log X Star
MON Mondial Relay
NCX Nacex
OMS Omest
ONT Ontime
PAT Post AT (Österreich)
PFI Posti FI (Finnland)
PHR Posti HR (Kroatien)
PIL Pilot
PSI Post SI (Slovenien)
PSK Post SK (Slovakei)
SES Seven Senders (7senders)
SHA Schenker AT (Österreich)
SHD Schenker
SHS Schenker SE (Schweden)
SND Sending
TBN TNT NL - Retoure Belgien
TMP TMParcel
TNF TNT FR (Frankreich)
TNI TNT IT (Italien)
TNN TNT Post NL (Niederlande)
TNT TNT (Deutschland)
TOH TOF HU (Ungarn)
TRA Tradebyte
TRM Tiramizoo
UPA UPS Pickup (Abholung)
UPG UPS GG (Gefahrgut PreAvis)
UPP UPS Paperless Document
UPT UPS Tarifierung
VNP Venipak
WYF Wayfair